Accessing India Advantage

Profiting from India

India is now amongst world's largest and most preferred source of life sciences products and services. Going beyond the dilemma created by aura of snazzy brochures, websites and marketing materials, we use our insights and knowledge networks to choose the most competent suppliers to maximize profits from Outsourcing products or services, forging high-value Strategic Alliances / Acquisitions or Opening up huge Indian Market for your offerings with the most suitable channels and partners.

India | Unlocking Huge Market

India is world's fifth largest economy growing robustly and set to become world's third largest economy by 2028. With world's largest population (nearly twice that of all European countries combined), the domestic pharmaceutical market is well poised to grow to US$ 65 billion by 2024 and over US$ 120 billion by 2030. India's medical devices market of US$ 11 billion is growing at a CAGR of 37% to reach US$ 50 billion by 2025.

A Huge Market capable of Transforming Fortunes

India is a huge market where even a humble small market share can rapidly transform the fortunes of any company. Understanding its potential, a large number of companies from across the globe are operating in India since several decades.

The market is characterized by huge volumes but is highly price sensitive, highly fragmented and operates in stark contrasts in many ways as compared to Western organized markets. Customer knowledge and accessibility is the key driver and heavily hinges on the right choice of partnerships and entry plan. 

We help connect with the most potential right mindset emerging companies that are flexible, poised for rapid transformation, have strong management team and established sales force that enjoys strong rapport with the target customers.

Partnerships for Entering Indian Market

  • Market Research and India market entry strategy
  • Identifying and selecting the right partner for:
    • Out-Licensing / Distribution of your Products
    • JVs/Acquisitions
    • Manufacturer / Co-Development  / Co-Marketing Partner
    • Importer-distributors
  • Help obtain necessary license and permits depending on the chosen model of entry.
  • Executive search for top positions

  • Enter New Countries
  • Build Global Alliance Network
  • Expand Distribution Channel
  • Out & In License Products
  • Access Niche, Orphan, Rare Products rights
  • Get CMO / CDMO / Tech Transfer Projects
  • Get GMP Approvals from Global Authorities
  • Create Global Quality Systems
  • Find API / FDF Suppliers
  • Third Party Vendor Quality Audits
  • Trigger EU GMP and EUQP / QPPV Audits
  • Respond Regulatory Queries
  • Get Product Registrations / MAs
  • You Succeed
for International Growth